Friday, October 11, 2013

StarHub Sustainability Annual Report 2012

StarHub Sustainability Annual Report 2012

I have received the CD from StarHub...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

StarHub... Singtel and M1...

StarHub... Singtel and M1...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

StarHub Sustainability Report 2012

StarHub Sustainability Report 2012

Friday, May 24, 2013

I will never forgive and forget...

I will never forgive and forget...

I still can remember it clearly that when you're away in Philipphine for the 3 months as I am suffering here in Singapore...!!

As my Modem can simply turned one light and two light and finally blinking and blinking for the whole one week...!!

Even right now is rather a maze for me to figure out what has happened during the past...!!

As whether it's more than 3 years or 10 years, I will still able to remember or even deep in my mind... It's indeed a sweet memory for me to go through for the one week without any Internet Connectivity and Phone Connectivity with StarHub...!!

I can assured you something when wrong at your backend as I can't simply understand it even right now...!!??

For the past years, I do not changed the Modem and Router as I just like to proof to you that all these faults will be man-made challenging job for me to give further compliant to you once again...!!

I don't think you give me a reply on that serious issue as well.

What's happening and what's past it's already over but I do need to face the present situation now.

Who else can I trust in StarHub at this time...??!!

Who will be the person who create this Doubts deep in my memory for more than 3 years...??!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

I am recovering as I hope for miracles to happen to me or even in me now...

Monday, 18 March 2013 at 9 pm

I am recovering as I hope for miracles to happen to me or even in me now...

I pray for the impossible to be the Possible...!!

May God grant me all my wish and my dream...!!

At any time or any moment... As I will surely wait...!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mosquito... Mosquito... Please go away...!!

Saturday, 16 March 2013 at 11 am

Mosquito... Mosquito... Please go away...!!

I indeed pray for that almost every single night...

Until I have a terribly nightmare in the dawn hour...!!

As I have simply forgotten it all after I have wake up...

I seldom have so terrible nightmare cos of the mosquito bite me since in the early hour at 4 am...!!

I have pray for a speedy recovery for those red spots on my legs and my arm now...

Thank you God as you've know all my painfulness and suffering since Wednesday...

As I need to learn and wait for God grace and healing power be upon me right now...!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Badly and seriously get bitten by unknown bugs...!!??

Wednesday, 13 March 2013 at 10 am

Badly and seriously get bitten by unknown bugs...!!??

Both my legs and arms full of unknown red spots... It's add up to be more than 30 red spots right now...!!

It's a nightmare for me since then.

Its look more like mosquito bite to me...

This is the most serious happening in my life now.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Who's calling me...??!! Strangers from UFOs...??!!

Who's calling me...??!!

Strangers from UFOs...??!!

The Top Three Caller Number calling me on Thursday, 7 March 2013 between 5.33 pm to 8.37 pm...

Why are all these number calling me... Continuously...!!

Indeed make me turned crazy...!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

3 days in Genting as the temperature remained at 20 Degree Celsius...

Saturday, 2 March 2013 at 8.07 pm

3 days in Genting as the temperature remained at 20 Degree Celsius...

It's indeed cold as my luggage will be packed with all my extra clothing and shawl too...

Just in case I feel cold cos I have planned to take the Skyway ride on the first day...

Friday, March 1, 2013

Email to Andy Chang & Tan Kim Guan sent on 1 March 2013 at 5.59 pm

Urgent Attention to Mr Andy Chang & Mr Tan Kim Guan

Hi Andy & Kim Guan

Before I am away for holiday, I would like to share with you my great finding about StarHub Speed Boost since 18 February 2013. As I have just realized it since yesterday afternoon...

I am using my iPhone to send and check all my various email most of the time as I just get to noticed it when I check through all my mail...

I am rather pleased with this upgrading but I think the Upload Speed still have some issue at last as it's only 1.2 Mbps. I do not know how it works but it's alright at this point of time.

All those upgrading and improving done by StarHub will be great indeed. As I will give StarHub more time to Improve Your Network in the next 3 years...

Have a nice weekend.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

3 days later, I will be leaving for Genting Trip...

Thursday, 28 February 2013 at 1.43 pm

3 days later, I will be leaving for Genting Trip...

Genting temperature is so cold on Monday and Tuesday indeed.

I hope that I will forget everything in Singapore when I come back on Wednesday night...!!

Erase all my bad memory during the 3 days there...

Keep for reference... Your Network really Improve at last...??!!

Keep for reference...

Your Network really Improve at last...??!!

Email to Andy Chang sent on 27 February 2013 at 8.07 pm

Urgent Attention to Mr Andy Chang...

Hi Andy

I won't easily give up...

I will give you another 3 years to Improve Your Network...!!!

StarHub have more than 2,700 employees in Singapore. As I can just presume that there are 3,000 customers at this time...

It can't be all the 3,000 customers are giving you False Statement about your Network Issue all the time right...??!!

I believe with my own eye and with all those negative online feedback about StarHub Network right now...!!

Who will be there lying or telling tale as God knows it all...!!

Don't need to proof that your Network always no problem as I am the only 0.001 per cent in the Singapore Market who caused this same problem all the time...!!

I don't choose to leave StarHub as I would like to see how you're going to show it to me you're really improving and fixing your problems to all your valued customers at last...!!

If nobody will wish to give you a chance to Improve, what will happen to StarHub at last...??!!

Please do not always make me compliant to you most of the time okay...!!


I won't easily give up... I will give you another 3 years to Improve Your Network...!!!

I won't easily give up...

I will give you another 3 years to Improve Your Network...!!!

StarHub have more than 2,700 employees in Singapore. As I can just presume that there are 3,000 customers at this time...

It can't be all the 3,000 customers are giving you False Statement about your Network Issue all the time right...??!!

I believe with my own eye and with all those negative online feedback about StarHub Network right now...!!

Who will be there lying or telling tale as God knows it all...!!

Don't need to proof that your Network always no problem as I am the only 0.001 per cent in the Singapore Market who caused this same problem all the time...

I don't choose to leave StarHub as I would like to see how you're going to show it to me you're really improving and fixing your problems to all your valued customers at last...!!

If nobody will wish to give you a chance to Improve, what will happen to StarHub at last...??!!

Please do not always make me compliant to you most of the time okay...!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Email to Andy Chang sent on 27 February 2013 at 1.20 pm

Urgent Attention to Mr Andy Chang...

Hi Andy

Just read all my frustration here cos I am telling the true story when I need to read up too many negative feedback online about StarHub...!! I guess you know it as well...

StarHub MaxOnline really lag most of the time...

This is the fact but they don't really admit it all the time as I have realized it since then.

What will be the main caused of the lag...??!!

It's true that too many users access Internet at the same time. As it caused the traffic to jam all the time.

Why StarHub don't face reality and fact even though I can write-in 100 times to compliant to them...??!!

A lot of things that I don't need to say or write-in to shoot their network at last as it seriously give me more stress at last...!!


P.S. Physically StarHub have more customers of all in the Singapore Market as I believe that...!!

StarHub MaxOnline really lag most of the time...

StarHub MaxOnline really lag most of the time...

This is the fact but they don't really admit it all the time as I have realized it since then.

What will be the main caused of the lag...??!!

It's true that too many users access Internet at the same time. As it caused the traffic to jam all the time.

Why StarHub don't face reality and fact even though I can write-in 100 times to compliant to them...??!!

A lot of things that I don't need to say or write-in to shoot their network at last as it seriously give me more stress at last...!!

5 more days later, I will be going to Resort World Genting...

Tuesday, 26 February 2013 at 2.27 pm

5 more days later, I will be going to Resort World Genting...

Cold weather in Genting at this time as I am looking forward to be there...

Thanks God that he has answered to my prayer...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Request for Usage of Compliment

Good morning Priscilla,

My name is Adam Reutens-Tan and I am in charge of StarHub’s Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility. If you may recall, you sent us a compliment in August last year:

Dear Sir

A Sweet and Sincere Compliment for those Starhub Customer Support who have attended and assisted me on my Home Hubbing Pack Express issue.

They are Sim Yong Ming, Sale Team, Teo Seng Aun, Technician, Teo Seng Wang, Technician, Andy Chang, Technical Support and Hanafiyah, Technical Support.

I am indeed feel much appreciated for all their upmost effort and hard work...

All their patience, kindness, goodness and understanding towards my Home Hubbing Pack Express issue so far...

Thank you once again for everyone out there...

Sent from my iPhone

We would like to use a paraphrased quote to showcase some of our supportive customer’s comments in our upcoming Sustainability Report:
“Compliments to those StarHub Customer Support staff who have attended to and assisted me on my Home Hubbing Pack Express issue. I appreciate all their utmost effort and hard work, all their patience, kindness, goodness and understanding towards my Home Hubbing Pack Express issue.”

If you would kindly allow us to use the above quote, as well as your name (Priscilla Yeo), we would be most appreciative. Please let me know by this afternoon if this is possible and feel free to call me at 90068726 should you have any queries. Thank you .

Adam Reutens-Tan
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
DID: 6825 5117

7 more days to go... I am looking forward to my up-coming Genting Concert Package Trip...

Sunday, 24 February 2013 at 3.17 pm

Today I am attending NCC 2nd Service, seated at ND1, Level 8 Door 19 which is so near to the main stage...

I am indeed pleased to be seated there too...

7 more days to go...

I am looking forward to my up-coming Genting Concert Package Trip...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Learning to cheer up... Priscilla Prisc...

Learning to cheer up... Priscilla Prisc...

A Healthy person won't be angry
A Happy person won't be angry
A Beautiful person won't be angry

Why so many people make me so upset and angry...??!!

Who am I Angry with...??!! You know it all...!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

10 more days, I will be going to Resort World Genting for holiday...

Thursday, 21 February 2013 at 7.37 pm

Time really fly...

10 more days, I will be going to Resort World Genting for holiday...

I am truly pleased but feel so sad for my stolen iPhone 5 too...

Where are you right now...??!!

It should be somewhere hiding in JB now. A stranger is using my iPhone 5...??!!

I seriously hate you as you can simply robbed my iPhone 5 in a minute...!!

You're really professional enough to steal...!!

I will surely pray that you will be caught by the Police one day or soon....!!

This is my final curse to you and your gang right now...!!