Friday, October 9, 2009

Whenever I am at Emma's house using her desktop to play game at Facebook...~

Whenever I am at Emma's house using her desktop to play game at Facebook, I will realise that every website that I have gone to don't have any slow connection issue.

Especially when I am playing those Facebook game include Fish World and Happy Aquarium, the downloading speed is excellent and the fish movement are normal when I am trying to feed them as well.

As for the Farm Ville and Farm Town, no problem at her end coz almost every download and every game it work perfectly well. Whenever I am trying to compare to her about my Internet connection speed, I am rather upset most of the time. She is under Express Plan so far...

Whenever I am going to blogger to update or view through all those blog, everything will be excellent.

Sometimes, she will suggest to me as not to use my own Internet access just to meet her more often in order not to be angry and upset with the slow Internet connection that I have encountered so far...

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