Friday, January 25, 2013

Please do not ask anyone to call me as I do mentioned in my previous email to you...!! Reply via email only...!!

Urgent Attention to Mr Tan Kim Guan...

Hi Kim Guan

Please do not ask anyone to call me as I do mentioned in my previous email to you...!! Reply via email only...!!

I do requested to be handle by Chinese Customer Service too...!!

As I don't understand why still have someone calling me earlier on as he seems do not understand what I need and what I want at last...!!

Do you indicated anything on my file as I do mentioned... Please Do Not Call Me for Those Starhub Technical Support or Customer Service...!!

What the Main Caused that most Series Recording not recorded any show for Hub Station? My Digital Voice Home, I need to dial 3 times with dial tone on...

When I restart Hub Station, all my scheduled recording all gone missing. Left w those Series Recording in it! I need to reschedule once again. Always happen now.

I don't use laptop recently as I can't feedback about MaxOnline to you at this time! I can see from my wifi for iPhone and certain time I can't access email. My 3G is okay!

Sent from my iPhone

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