Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Email to Andy Chang sent on 18 September 2014 at 1.15 am

My Reference PY003-2014

Dear Sir

After reading your email dated 17 September 2014, it indeed make me feel more upset and angry once again...!! My right hand nerve pain become worst then...!!

What will be the main purpose and concern for you to email me and has suggested to me the relocation of the Fibre Termination Point but I might need to relocate back once again to the original place...??!!

I don't really understand about the IPTV issue but at least I know my right and my stand there coz I have listened to the Right Person who has originally suggested the Fibre Termination Point in the beginning...

If I have listened to your suggestion, I will regret in the future and I might need to face another relocation problem once again...!!

What will be the main purpose for you to give me those silly suggestions and finally tell me another new story once again...??!!

I think your department itself do not know what you're suppose to do and to give the customer the correct direction as not just simply ask me to relocate here and there in the first place...!!

I will make sure someone need to bear consequences at last if he is bold enough to responsible for his decision making now...!!

I will become more disappointed if we are going to discuss it further with me...

I suggested that Andy Chang is still the best person to handle me for all this complicated matters and issues.  At least he won't be giving me all those crappy suggestions and information at last...!!

I am truly disappointed with all these suggestions and informations from you so far...

If Andy can't handle me then who will be the best person to handle me now...??!!  I think the best person should be your CEO that I need to write-in to at last...!!

You're not giving me a good and final conclusion as I am rather sure...!!  I am still unable to use the Fibre Termination Point right now...!!

Your immediate attention and action will be highly appreciated.

Sent from my iPhone

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