Immediate Attention n Urgent Action needed...!!
Urgent Attention to Mr Andy Chang
Hi Andy
I need to write-in officially to you now as I hope that you will be able to understand why I dislike StarHub Technicians to come for the House-call or On-site inspection every 3 years since 13 April 2007...
Is it a Must that they must come and check it as I am rather confident that even though I can fix the time for them, the conclusion will still remained as from the beginning stage since 13 April 2007...!!
I won't be pleased or even I will be extremely upset and stressful as I need to deal with them cos of the same issue pertaining to my MaxOnline Network as you have ever handle my case on the 26 June 2009...
Lots of queries and many more questions for you to look into it and answer at last...!!
Why waste all our times just to investigate those similar network issue which exist long time ago...??!! As I can simply need to face it another 3 years later...!!
Even I am using direct connection, I will also face the Lost Connection Issue. What will be your reason and your view at last...??!!
The reasons will be StarHub will never ever admit that your Network got Problems as always condemn on Customer Network or Wireless Signal Strength at last all the time for these years...!!
What will be the point if I can change all the Modem, Router, laptop as everything still come back to the square again...!!
Do you know how Customer point of view at last...??!! It indeed wasting my time just to proof it or even until all those Technical Support have left StarHub at last as those problems will still remained unchanged physically...!!
I wish for a Good Network as don't need to be a Perfect Network...!! What StarHub is always giving me will be those crappy excuses or the main caused will always be on my Modem or Router issue at last...!!
If 3 years ago I have changed to a new Modem or Router, this same thing will still occurred even now...!!
If those 3 Technicians (Larry Chee, Hanafiyah and Teo Seng Aun) who have come to my house on the 8 June 2010 at 2 pm to 8 pm. They don't even know how to fix the problems one as for all, then what will be the point for StarHub Technicians to come and disturb me 3 years later once again...??!!
I truly hate those house-call or on-site checking cos they have wasted lots of my time just to entertain them for the 6 hours on-site visit as I can't simply do my own thing as well...!!
I do let you know that don't ever arrange for any house-call or on-site inspection in future cos I truly have lots of phobia and hatred against those technicians too. They think they are so good all the time as StarHub always think that they are indeed assisting me or create another trouble for themselves finally...!!
I don't like all those unpleasant encounter as I need to go through one more time 3 years later...!!
Can't your Network be improve as not always Customer need to open house to entertain them most of the time.
Can't you look into the matter seriously as not always I need to point out the same issue to you for the past 5 years again and again...??!! Even right now...!!
StarHub... I truly hate your Network since then...!!
What else can I say...??!!
Upset + Frustration + Disappointment with StarHub Network once again...!!
Sent from my iPhone
P.S. It takes me 3 days to draft out this email for you...!!