Friday, June 19, 2009

I am so stressful since Tuesday till then...

I am so stressful since Tuesday till then coz I have been waiting for the technical support call and their reply for the past 3 days...

I don't really sleep or eat well coz I am extremely upset with all these happenings... At least I able to tell you how I feel now...!

Hopefully everything will go smoothly as I don't like to trouble anyone out there, include all my friends who wish to help me coz I understand...

Nobody will be pleased for all these bad encountering when they upgrade to a new plan...

As I complaint to the CEO, many people won't be pleased too!

I have no other choice as need to try my last solution as it work...

When I am extremely disappointed with certain thing, I will really fire! Otherwise, I'll feel like dying soon. I feel suffocated...

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