Saturday, August 15, 2009

Most of my friends and neighbours who never see me for more than a month...~

Most of my friends and neighbours who never see me for more than a month said that I have slimmed down so much...

For those who don't know my story, I will just let them know that coz I seldom take a nap in the afternoon...

As for those who know my whole story with Starhub MaxOnline, they will know everything happen to me...

Especially for Emma who see me almost once a week can't really see any different but when I told her that, she was surprised and said that it was indeed good to slim down without any slimming treatment... Natural Slimming Class with Starhub MaxOnline battle... Lol...~

As for those friends who never get to see me for more than a month, you will be able to see me once again...~

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