Saturday, September 19, 2009

I have encountered "drop line" issue at 9.45 pm, Taskbar wireless signal recover after 3 minutes...~

Today... Saturday, 19 September 2009...~

I have encountered "drop line" issue at 9.45 pm, Taskbar wireless signal recover back after 3 minutes. Subsequently, another "drop line" occurred at 9.58 pm, Taskbar wireless signal can't recover back as I need to restart the laptop at 10.17 pm. The wireless signal strength is rather Low after 10.08 pm when I checked through the Taskbar. Lastly, another "drop line" occurred at 11.20 pm and 11.27 pm but the wireless signal recover back after 3 minutes later while I was log in to my Facebook and chat with my friend at that time...

I was online since 4 pm as the download speed for the Internet Explorer and Mozilla browser was rather slow..!! It takes more than 3 minutes to go to Yahoo Homepage and Facebook Homepage as well..!! It was rather tedious for me to wait and check at at time..!!

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